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  • Keep on Your Feet—Preventing Older Adult Falls

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    Falls are common in older adults and can result in injuries and hospitalizations. Speaking to your doctor, getting your eyes and feet checked and staying active can help to prevent falls. Making your home safe by removing hazards and instaling rails and lights can also help to prevent falls. Read this resource to learn more.

  • Preventing elder abuse

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    There are many types of elder abuse. Elder abuse is a serious problem in the USA and can lead to physical injuries, emotional effects, premature death and worsened health problems. Read this resource to learn more about elder abuse and tips to prevent it.

  • Stay Independent

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    Preventing falls is an important part of staying independent. Somethings you can do are speeking with your doctor, keeping active, getting annual eye exams, and making your home safer. Use this resource to determine your risk for falling.

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Chronic pain is a complex and often misunderstood condition affecting nearly 8 million people in Canada. Join chronic pain expert Dr. Norman Buckley for this free 60-minute webinar to explore its causes, impacts, and management strategies, as well as debunk misinformation about bogus remedies. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about evidence-based approaches to managing chronic pain and helpful resources.

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